Prior to meeting Sylvie, I’d struggled for the better part of 2 years to feel 100% well.  As a result I had lost much of my confidence and some physical strength and had gained ~20 unwanted pounds. I’d also let stress creep in and convinced myself I was too busy to regain my fitness. 

In November 2019, I started working with Sylvie.  She took great care to understand my past, my current health picture and my goals.  We began with personal training sessions 2x per week.  Sylvie met me where I was, and we worked brick by brick to build strength with basic movements.  Over the course of the first 3 months we gradually moved to heavier weights.  Simultaneously, I learned how integral rest was to seeing progress and how long bouts of cardio were unlikely to aid in reaching my goals. By March 2020, I was starting to feel stronger and was ready to fully prioritize my health.  Here began the nutrition coaching, which shifted the results we were seeing into hyperdrive.

The combination of Sylvie’s nutrition counseling and fitness programing has allowed me to fully regain confidence and strength.  With her guidance, I’ve shed 15 lbs in 10 weeks.  However, the results go well beyond the scale.  I’ve regained my menstrual cycle, which has been irregular for 20 years.  I’ve also learned that in certain cases, like protein, I wasn’t eating enough - what great news!  And the most powerful development, at least for me, is that I no longer harbor any shame or guilt (which I believe is all too common for women) when allowing myself to indulge. 

Sylvie is a phenomenal trainer and coach.  I would recommend her to my closest friends and family.  She’s even started working with my mom! 

- Molly C.

“I've never felt stronger or more motivated to continue getting even stronger still.  I could barely walk when I came into that gym and now she has me doing things I never imagined I'd be able to do.”  


I can't sing Sylvie's praises enough.  I am so incredibly grateful to have found her.  I had hip surgery in January of last year but, after 16 weeks of physical therapy and still in pain, I decided I needed to find someone who could help me get stronger.  I've never been a gym person and was always afraid of hurting myself even further.  I met with Sylvie and told her my whole story and all about my injuries.  She was so patient and, because she also had hip surgery a few years prior, she knew exactly what I was going through and how she could help me.  This month will be a year that I've been working with her, and I've never felt stronger or more motivated to continue getting even stronger still.  I could barely walk when I came into that gym and now she has me doing things I never imagined I'd be able to do. 

If you're out there looking for a trainer but are a little afraid, Sylvie's your gal.  She will walk you through every exercise, make sure that you are doing it properly so you don't hurt yourself, and even make you feel like a bad @$$.  Best of all she does it with a smile and an infectious laugh. She truly is a great coach and an all around great person!

- Amber B.

“If you are ready to become the best version of yourself, Sylvie is your gal!”


I started working out with Sylvie about a month after having knee surgery for a torn ACL. But, I’d been struggling with getting back to a healthier lifestyle for over a year, even before my surgery. Sylvie created a targeted program to help strengthen what I had lost due to my injury, but also strengthen other parts of my body that I hadn’t even thought of. I didn’t have much experience with weight lifting or strength training, but Sylvie was a great guide and had a huge impact in my knee surgery recovery. I also started following her nutritional plan about 3 months into training, which was unlike any other nutritional plan that I had done before (for the better!). After the first month, I felt stronger and more self-aware, and started to see improvements in my physical and mental health. Sylvie's approach to wellness goes one step further than anything else I've seen - she provides support that encourages you to become more self-aware and creates a positive, self-love environment to help you reach your goals. If you are ready to become the best version of yourself, Sylvie is your gal!

- Alanna T.

“the work we do together isn’t just about building muscle or shedding fat—it’s about promoting physical and emotional wellness that extends way beyond the gym.”


I began working with Sylvie in the summer of 2017. At the time, my goals were to become more comfortable at the gym and familiarize myself with exercises I could do on my own when I moved across the country for college in the fall. In those short few months though, I noticed more physical results and overall improvements in my feelings of physical wellness and confidence than I had ever experienced before.

I would train with Sylvie whenever I was back in San Francisco for breaks and consistently felt healthier, stronger, and more challenged in my workouts with her than I had on my own or with other personal trainers. I knew I wanted to push myself further and that working with Slyvie more regularly would allow me to get there, so we began a personalized nutrition coaching and remote workout program in January of 2020. I can’t overstate what a drastic effect this program has had on my quality of life, physical fitness, self-esteem, and overall feelings of health and wellness.

What’s great about training with Sylvie is that the work we do together isn’t just about building muscle or shedding fat—it’s about promoting physical and emotional wellness that extends way beyond the gym. With her dedication and expertise, you can bet that Sylvie will help you to improve not just your workouts and nutrition, but also your life…all while making your butt way cuter in the process.

- Allegra F.

“I was able to start working out in the gym on my own and with a confidence I never had before. I even was asked if I was a personal trainer during one of my solo sessions at the gym!”


I started working with Sylvie in September 2018. Before I started my workout program with her, I was mainly doing classes and getting in workouts a few times a week. I wanted to get more comfortable in the gym and wanted workouts to help strengthen my back and core to prevent injuries. While I definitely became stronger and more toned after I started working out with Sylvie, it was great to also have someone holding me accountable every week. Sylvie was a great support system to have to not only encourage me in my strength training, but also to perfect my form and motivate me to keep pushing myself. I was able to start working out in the gym on my own and with a confidence I never had before. I even was asked if I was a personal trainer during one of my solo sessions at the gym! 

Sylvie first brought up Carb Nite™ to me in the Fall of 2019 and I decided to give it a try. While I had been getting more toned, I wanted to shed a few pounds and focus on certain stubborn parts of my body. I also wanted to stop taking medication for my high blood pressure and the program was going to help with that. After a month on the nutrition program, it made a huge difference! I ended up losing 20lbs after a few months, while also building muscle, and was able to change a lot of my previous eating habits. I was able to stop taking my medication and significantly lower my blood pressure. I was more conscious of what I was putting in my body and learned to cook more at home. Sylvie's coaching each week helped me to decipher what I was feeling emotionally and physically and to correlate it to what I was eating. It also taught me a lot about dedication and how disciplined I could be with myself. 

I'd highly recommend Sylvie as she will help you create a healthier lifestyle that's feasible and long term.

- Tiffany H.